
Make accurate selections to increase conversion.

Consider yourself lucky if companies spontaneously contact you to do business with you. In practice, things are often different. Every entrepreneur must actively look for new customers to build a thriving business. But the offer is large and the competition fierce. Prospecting is therefore not just guesswork. Because the more accurate your selection, the higher your conversion.


To prospect is to invest

Use our unique scores to define your target audience. Because why would you invest time, money and energy in financially unhealthy companies that are barely or not at all active?

These are our scores


Graydon Market Data

When compiling a prospecting list, you make the difference by defining your selection as precisely as possible. With Graydon Market Data you have all the important criteria at your fingertips. In addition to the traditional characteristics such as geographic location, activity or size, the online tool mainly contains unique scores that distinguish between financial risk, probability of closure and growth forecast.

Because let's face it, why would you spend your energy, time and resources on organisations that you know are likely to not (be able to) pay you correctly? Or that you can expect to take a step back or even cease to exist in the next 12 months?

Then you are better off with a smaller database of many times higher quality. It also means that you will have to spend less money to maintain your smaller database. You'll always profit: lower costs, a better selection, higher conversion. And you'll be successful with your campaigns.

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